

This unit is about how the brain works, the neural dynamics which supports computation. It attempts to describe our models of the neural activity in the brain and to give some indication of how that supports some of the computational activity of the brain. I have taught this unit in the past and I am returning to teaching it again after a few years when it had other lecturers, although last year I did teach a portion of the unit.

The guide: the guide page will contain links to all the material, notes and some online lectures. This is empty at the moment but that will change.


  • 9h Tuesday lecture QB 1.18LT
  • 10h Wednesday lecture ALB SM2
  • 15h Thursday problem class QB 1.07

Here is a putative layout for the unit:

  • Weeks 1-7: Lectures
  • Weeks 2-: Problem classes
  • Weeks 8-10: Coursework time, for those in CS taking the 20-credit coursework version of the unit.
  • Week 11-12: Consolidation/revision week for students taking the exam.

Some notes and links: