

Week 1 - CH - introduction to the brain

Week 2 - CH - introduction to the brain / McCulloch-Pitts neurons

Week 3 - CH - Hopfield networks, the hippocampus and perceptrons

Week 4 - SFW - Rate based neurons

Week 5 - CH - Integrate and fire neurons

Week 6 - CH - Reading week

Week 7 - CH - Synapses

  • lecture 11: more on the integrate and fire model.
  • lecture 12: synaptic dynamics.
  • notes: 06.1_synaptic_dynamics.pdf
  • Courseworks

    These are the formative courseworks, they are not for marks and not submitted. Doing these courseworks should help you understand the lectures, but the exam with be a normal written exam and so won't look like the courseworks. In short, the courseworks are instead of worksheets, but like worksheets, they aren't marked.

    Extended Coursework

    This is available at coursework1.pdf with the data in the folder Submit by 13h on Friday 2023-12-08.

    Past papers

    The content of this unit has shifted over the years and the amount of material covered is less. These past papers will include questions that are no longer covered, they are intended to give an impression of the style of question, rather than describe the range of material!

    Picture free notes

    These notes replace the images with a short text description.